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Our Last Refuge

Over the last year, without the aid of one crowdfunding campaign (that’s a big break with tradition for me), I quietly shot and edited a new short documentary film, Our Last Refuge. It tells the tale of how the Blackfeet Nation defended their sacred homeland from oil and gas developers for over 35 years. The fight is ongoing, but it’s had some significant victories and the story is a positive and powerful example of what can happen when people stand together for a greater good.

It was an inspiring project to work on and it’s the most visually beautiful thing I’ve ever done, thanks in large part to my DP Zane Clampett, but mostly due to mother nature and just how damn stunning she can be.

So far, the film has toured Montana, has screened at the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian, will start its festival run in February, and will be released digitally soon after. You can check out a trailer below and find out more information about the film at

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